While these leaked cables exposed the lies propping up Obama's gun control agenda, administration officials at the highest levels pushed a strategy to fit their gun control aims.
In a display of corruption and arrogance that's shocking even for this Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) launched Operation "Fast and Furious" -- an illegal pipeline for shipping guns into Mexico.
With our government's full knowledge and complicity, BATFE higher-ups ordered firearms dealers to sell these guns illegally to straw purchasers. And it wasn't just a few guns... It was over two thousand!!!
According to just emerging reports, BATFE officials actively supervised the commission of felony violations by merely monitoring this criminal activity instead of enforcing the law and blocking the sales.
At the time, BATFE agents protested the insanity of Operation Fast and Furious, and the sheer stupidity of letting thousands of illegally purchased guns just walk over the border into the hands of criminals.
But BATFE supervisors pushed back saying, "If you want to make an omelet, you have to break some eggs."
One of those "eggs" broke on the night of December 14, 2010.
That night, 40-year old Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was in a remote Arizona canyon with a six-member tactical team that encountered a group of armed Mexican illegals.
Sources said that the "illegal entrants" were in Arizona to rob cartel drug mules and other illegals. In the initial skirmish, the Border Patrol agents fired low-velocity shotgun beanbag rounds and were met with 7.62x39mm return fire.
Officer Terry died in the exchange. And when the bandits fled, they left behind two AK-style rifles that were traced to sales made under the Fast and Furious operation.
The ugly truth of this conspiracy is the hardest of all to swallow, because it was all a frame-up against gun owners and the Second Amendment. And right now, the only hope of getting the truth out about all of this is you.
Senator Charles Grassley (IA) and Representative Darrell Issa (CA) are defending our Second Amendment rights and fighting for justice for Agent Terry by holding Congressional hearings on Fast and Furious.
But they're being stonewalled by Obama, Holder and others who are bent on sweeping the truth under the rug.
Click link above to read the full article and sign the petition.
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